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Getting Started

A versatile collection of utility functions for simplifying JavaScript development.

⚡️ Online Playground

Explore and experiment with our code in an interactive online playground on CodePen. Click the link below to dive into the online playground environment!

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📦 Install

# Using npm to install as a development dependency
npm install --save-dev @paunovic/utils

# Using Yarn to add as a development dependency
yarn add --dev @paunovic/utils

# Using pnpm to add as a development dependency
pnpm add --save-dev @paunovic/utils

🪄 Usage

// Importing specific function using ESM syntax
import { uniqueIdentifier } from '@paunovic/utils'

// Importing specific function using CommonJS syntax
const { uniqueIdentifier } = require('@paunovic/utils')

// Seeing the imported function in action
const ID = uniqueIdentifier()

🌐 Browser

// Importing specific function directly from the URL
import { uniqueIdentifier } from ''

// Seeing the imported function in action
const ID = uniqueIdentifier()

Made with ❤️ in Belgrade, Serbia.